Monday, February 27, 2006

bread, no grease

a week of nothing noteworthy and we're almost through with this wretched month of february.

some sort of beef sauteed with red bell pepper, mushroomy deliciousness, salt, pepper, garlic salt, cheddar cheese. served on a roll. sort of philly cheeseteak-ish. ernie says it needed fewer veggies, much to my sadness.

i was remembering the terrific veggie melt sold with much grease at the bju snack shop (terrible name -- we called it "the lightening bolt" for awhile . . .). too many vegetables would mean greasy bread for supper so . . .

Sunday, February 26, 2006

mange le vomir

henry puked his quesedilla. thankfully he refused to eat the beans and rice, i don't know that i could have cleaned that up. horrible enough, the cheese chunkage.

ice cream would have been a good dinner instead.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

ice cream sandwiches

the children ate green goblin pasta (pesto pasta) too early, when we weren't yet hungry. then they went to bed. later, ernie and i ate blue bunny neopolitan ice cream sandwiches. plural. it's a sick world we live in. but the blue bunny neopolitan ice cream sandwiches are the best.

Friday, February 17, 2006

week of pizza

recently ernie experienced pizza deja vu. this means that he ate pizza for several meals in a row; as leftovers, as a guest, as a guy at work, as a guy at home.

we like to eat geppetto's pizza. when we were southern dwellers we ate wedgy's pizza. our favorite pizza maker had a long skinny ponytail that stuck through the exit of his ball cap. his red wedgy's ball cap. he had humongous glasses that were a peachy colored plastic. he was greasy, as was his hair, as was his pizza. he was skinny with skin that slung over the bones of his elbows and cheekbones. he was a real piece of work. he was old and worked at the wedgy's that took only five turns in the car once we left our drive before we sat in their drive. a wedgy cost under eight dollars a pizza. we ate them frequently. far too frequently. if we still lived on woodfern circle i'm sure i'd be blogging "wedgy's, again." at least once a week.

a geppetto's pizza is more pricey, something under thirteen dollars a pizza. it's totally better pizza and there are moments in the day we can just taste a geppetto's pizza with green olives. when we can taste it at odd moments in the day it's a surefire guarantee that we're going to order.

tonight ernie walked into pick the thing up and the girl said, "hello, mr. greene." even the greased ponytail (we jokingly refer to him as "gracen" because he's skinny, like gracen, and has a long blonde ponytail, like gracen, and is as blind as fanny crosby without his glasses, also like gracen. there the similarities come to a screeching halt, of course, but it's fun to tease gracen so, all the same.) never called either of us by name.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

coconuts with straws

ernie says we should buy coconuts and serve them to our survivor fan club on thursday nights.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

wednesday night king

we've quit the church dinners on wednesday night. it's just not worth it -- terrible. things like meatloaf and sloppy joes should not be made in mass quantities, stock pots, and should not be handed out by waxed paper covered hands and served with corn chips and iceburg lettuce.

so we've been going to the king and eating fries and whoppers. there. i said it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

steak, sans mushroom?

the boys at early and went to bed early as usual. when ernie was finished teaching i baked potatoes and made salad while ernie made steaks. oh man was it good. the best part was, perhaps, the indulgent pom. i could drink that stuff forever.

valentine steak. yum.

the weird thing is that i can't determine whether or not we had mushrooms with the steaks. i told ernie that there were mushrooms, peppers, and onions in the fridge and he cooked the onions, the peppers, but i found the giant box of mushrooms today. ::scratching chin:: i thought we ate them but we didn't. unless we ate some kind of old mushroominess. yikes.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

onion, fried.

if one were to inspect these white bodies of ours one would quickly realize that we've certainly eaten since the last deep, fruity postal laughter. we've eaten lima beans and shreds of pork peeled from a newly shorn and murdered boar while visiting the farm in north carolina. we've eaten pies and turkey and bushels of mashed potato delight with christmas family. we've eaten too much noodle, sandwich, pizza, cheese, pringle and other quick-for-the-lazy-or-overwhelmed (hopefully we're more of the latter, sigh) american family.

what better way to celebrate the 2006 laughing blog other than with the frying of onion and quesedilla, i ask you?