onion, fried.
if one were to inspect these white bodies of ours one would quickly realize that we've certainly eaten since the last deep, fruity postal laughter. we've eaten lima beans and shreds of pork peeled from a newly shorn and murdered boar while visiting the farm in north carolina. we've eaten pies and turkey and bushels of mashed potato delight with christmas family. we've eaten too much noodle, sandwich, pizza, cheese, pringle and other quick-for-the-lazy-or-overwhelmed (hopefully we're more of the latter, sigh) american family.
what better way to celebrate the 2006 laughing blog other than with the frying of onion and quesedilla, i ask you?

what better way to celebrate the 2006 laughing blog other than with the frying of onion and quesedilla, i ask you?

Yum, that looks really good. I love a good cooked onion... of course eating that would mean Clayton would not have anything to do with me for a while!
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