banana (eaten by me while he cooked) burgers on rye ketchup pickle spears tostitos gold (best chips ever!) salsa ("if this is medium, i'd hate to taste the mild!") coca cola with cherry grenadine
o'briened potatoes, thawed, inside a 13x9 pan cheesy cheese (3 c.) sprinked atop potatoes one dozen eggs, beaten, poured on top of others baked 45 minutes, broiled 3 minutes
egglicious buttery toast (some strawberry jammed) orange juice water
jude is sick and teething and his constant whining about it is pushing me to my limit as a human and as a mother. perhaps this would account for my head first cliff dive into the abyss of culinary failure. it's hard to get up again.
"They are inclined to be fat in the stomach . . . good-natured faces, and laugh deep fruity laughs (especially after dinner, which they have twice a day when they can get it.)" -- Tolkien, "The Hobbit."